April 23, 2024

Peter Mills of Elevated Trail Design - 170

Peter Mills of Elevated Trail Design - 170
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Peter Mills of Elevated Trail Design - 170

Peter Mills of Elevated Trail Design - 170

For Episode 170 we have Peter Mills the owner of Elevated Trail Design as our guest. Elevated Trail Designs is a PTBA Member Company that is based out of the Ashville, NC Region. Peter is a lifelong mountain biker and trail builder that is responsible for some of the newest yet most notable trail projects in the greater Ashville Region and beyond.



Trail EAffect Show Links:

Elevated Trail Design: https://www.elevatedtraildesign.com/

Elevated Trail Design on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elevatedtraildesign

Chestnut Mountain Nature Park: https://www.chestnutmountainnaturepark.com/

AVL UNPaved: https://www.ashevillenc.gov/projects/avl-unpaved/


Episode Sponsor - Coulee Creative: www.dudejustsendit.com https://www.couleecreative.com/


Trail One Components 20% off Coupon Code: trailpod

Trail EAffect Podcast Website: www.traileaffectpodcast.com

KETL Mtn Apparel Affiliate Link: https://ketlmtn.com/josh

Trail One Components: https://trailone.bike/?ref=XavfBrRJfk4VOh

Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com

This Podcast has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services