Hansi Johnson on the Rise of Upper Midwest Mountain Biking and more! 166

Hansi Johnson on the Rise of Upper Midwest Mountain Biking and more! 166
Hansi had a front row seat, and sometimes took control of the wheel when it comes to the rise of mountain biking in the Upper Midwest. He’s got some incredible stories, which set the stage for what we know as some of the best mountain bike and trail communities around.
Topics Include:
- The Driftless Region
- How Hansi got hooked up with IMBA
- Duluth, MN
- Cuyuna, MN
- The Iron Range in MN
- Copper Harbor MI
- Aaron Rogers
- The MN Land Trust
- Hansi’s Famous Failure
- Closing Comments and Thank You’s
Trail EAffect Show Links:
MN Land Trust: https://mnland.org/
Episode Sponsor - Coulee Creative: www.dudejustsendit.com https://www.couleecreative.com/
Trail One Components 20% off Coupon Code: trailpod
Trail EAffect Podcast Website: www.traileaffectpodcast.com
KETL Mtn Apparel Affiliate Link: https://ketlmtn.com/josh
Trail One Components: https://trailone.bike/?ref=XavfBrRJfk4VOh
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
This Podcast has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services